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April 29, 2006

do the math

T. Don Hutto Correctional Center in Taylor, TX has been renovated to house families of undocumented immigrants (non-Mexican) until they can be deported to their home countries. In this report and video, it is said that the Center could house up to 600 families. Other reports have said 600 individuals. The county will receive $1,000 per day for each immigrant housed.

So lets go with the low figure... 600 people (instead of families) x $1,000 x 365 = 219 MILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR to house immigrants who pose the absolute lowest security risk to our country.

That's right. Let our most violent criminals roam the streets, but be sure to lock up all the hardworking families escaping impoverished conditions. Brilliant.

I just can't wait to see the pictures these little ones draw of their new "home". Yet Focus on the Family and other Family groups say the immigration issue "lies beyond the scope of their agenda". article

To truly be pro-life and pro-family is to be pro-immigrant.

Posted by almamia at April 29, 2006 12:10 PM


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