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May 1, 2006

Denver marches

My heart was there (as was my spouse and many friends), but I had to stay behind. I was sad, but enjoyed watching the live streaming video from 9 News. I may be able to go to a prayer vigil later tonight.

9News of Denver -- report, slideshow and videos of the Denver march.

An estimated 75,000 were there!

Update: We had thought perhaps the Socialist Party would try to make the march today "their event". Unfortunately, their presence was too obvious and they did indeed try to hijack it. This is not something I support in any way and it is too bad. So far I have not seen anything in the media to this effect, but this is what I'm hearing from those who attended. Beyond having a smattering of people wearing red instead of white, some of the speakers had a socialist bent. I hope the true message at the core of this doesn't get diluted by this fringe group.

Posted by almamia at May 1, 2006 1:07 PM


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