May 3, 2006

demonstrations' effect

Are demonstrations of any use, some ask, when resistance is so unyielding? Would the slower processes of legislation and law enforcement ultimately accomplish greater results more painlessly? Demonstrations, experience has shown, are part of the process of stimulating legislation and law enforcement. The federal government reacts to events more quickly when a situation of conflict cries out for its intervention. Beyond this, demonstrations have a creative effect on the social and psychological climate that is not matched by the legislative process. Those who have lived under the corrosive humiliation of daily intimidation are imbued by demonstrations with a sense of courage and dignity that strengthens their personalities.

But the above are not my words... they are the words of Martin Luther King Jr. in his article titled "Let Justice Roll Down" I think they lend great wisdom to these current days.

Posted by almamia at 12:00 AM | Comments (0)

April 25, 2006

instructions for national day of action

The following was posted on Latina Lista -- today's entry.

May 1st, Day of Action Instructions for workers

1) Take the day off, try to use a vacation or sick day in advance.

2) Talk to your employer and request permission to take the day off.

3) If your employer will not give you the day off and threatens to
terminate you, then we request that you go to work and wear a white ribbon or shirt
to show solidarity with the cause.

4) If you are terminated, you may have legal rights to sue your employer
for violating your first amendment rights and violation of the National Labor
Laws. However, there is no guarantee of any legal outcome.

5) We are asking that all students to go to school, but write letters and
make calls to congress and Texas US Senators to make changes.

6) Please put on your car lights, to symbolically put light on the need
for fair immigration reform.

7) All emergency, police and teachers are exempt from the call to action,
but are asked to wear white ribbons in support of the day of action.

Instructions for Employers and Supervisors

1) Please consider giving your employees a vacation, sick or unpaid day
off on May 1, 2006.

2) If you need to maintain the office open consider having a skeleton
crew, so that some employees can participate and others work.

3) Employers who refuse any use of the first amendment rights of its
employees can be subject to litigation.

4) Employers try to find creative ways to allow your employees to
exercise their right to have their voices heard, without disciplinary action
Primero de Mayo, Dia de Accion

Instrucciones Para los Trabajadores

1) Tome el dia libre, trate de usar vacaciones o dia
libre por enfermedad.

2) Hable con su empleador y pida permiso para tomarse
el dia libre.

3) Si su empleador no le da el dia libre o amenaza con
desemplearlo, entonces no falte al trabajo y vista un
liston blanco o una camisa blanca como muestra de
solidaridad con la causa.

4) Si usted es desemplado por apoyar la causa, puede
que tenga derechos legales para demandar su empleador
por violar sus derechos de acuerdo con la 1era
Enmienda y por violacion de los Derechos Nacionales
del Trabajo. Sin embargo, no hay ninguna garantia de
los resultados legales.

5) Les estamos pidiendo a todos los estudiantes que
asistan a clases, pero que escriban cartas y hagan
llamadas al Congreso de los Estados Unidos y a los
Senadores de Texas.

6) Por favor prendan las luces de sus coches, como
forma simbolica de alumbrar la necesidad de una
reforma migratoria justa.

7) Todo personal de emergencia, policia y maestros
estan exemptos ala llamada de participar en este
evento. Pero se les solicita que vistan listones
blancos como forma de apoyar esta iniciativa.

Instruciones Para los Empleadores y Supervisores

1) Por favor consideren dar un dia de vacaciones , un
dia de enfermedad o un dia libre sin pago a sus
trabajadores el primero de Mayo.

2) Si necesitan mantener su oficina o lugar de trabajo
abierto, consideren disminuyir las operaciones, para
que algunos empleados se puedan tomar el dia libre.

3) Los empleadores que se reusen a hacer valer los
derechos otorgados por la 1era Enmienda de la
Constitucion a los trabajadores estaran sujetos a
acciones legales.

4) Traten de encontrar maneras para que sus empleados
ejerzan sus derechos y que sus voces sean escuchas sin
recurrir a acciones disciplinarias.

Posted by almamia at 10:32 PM | Comments (0)