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April 27, 2006

this is a must read

on the increasing violence and racism directed at those advocating for immigrants and the immigrants themselves. Click here.

Posted by almamia at April 27, 2006 10:13 AM


A few of my co-workers are hispanic immigrants, and occasionally we have a new one come in through the temp service. As far as I can tell, the success rate of Hispanic temps to "American" (white) temps is about the same. Some last a couple hours, some make it a couple days, it's a tough job and not many people are cut out for it, no matter where their country of origin. But the "old-timers" make a bigger deal out of a "Mexican" temp than a white temp, especially the ones who don't last long, or who make mistakes in their job.

Interestingly enough, of all the people on my shift, two of the people I'd most like to have working on a team with me are immigrants from Mexico. They're hard working, team players (even when they don't have to be) and great to be around, and while we might not understand each others language very well, our system of (mostly non-verbal) communication gets the job done. I found myself wondering last night if our company is making sure that we help them to comply with the requirements of their immigration status so we don't loose them as employees.

Posted by: anna [TypeKey Profile Page] at April 27, 2006 10:57 AM

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